Friday 24 April 2020

Coronavirus Impact on Environment/Virus Corona Impak kanggo Lingkungan


But if we look on the other side of the coin, Coronavirus have positive effects on the environment here are some examples.
Yen kito gelem ndelok sisi sebelah e koin, Virus Corona ono efek positive e kanggo lingkungan, iki tuladha ne.
Air Pollution: One of the main impact of the coronavirus outbreak, is a significant drop in the air pollution which has been noted in many parts of the world.
Polusi udara: Dampak utama ne pagebluk virus corona, yaiku mudun ne polusi udara secara signifikan saentero ndunyo
Green Gas Emission: Slowing economic activities also brings down emissions as countries ordered closedown of schools, factories, industries and emissions are expected to fall. 
Emisi Gas Ijo: Aktivitas ekonomi sing dadi alon ngawe emisi dadi mudun, negoro-negoro ngongkon sekolah, pabrik, industry sementara mendeg.
 The waters of Venice are clean once again
Another unexpected effect on the environment from the coronavirus has been seen in Venice, Italy. With tourists numbers culled because of the virus, the waters in Venice's canals are cleaner than they have been in living memory.
Banyu ning Venesia dadi bening meneh
Efek liyan ne seng ora dinoyo kanggo lingkungan iso di delok ning Venesia, Italy. Jumlah turis do ora teko mergo virus, banyu kanal ning Venesia dadi luwih bening.

 #Corona #Covid-19 #Pandemic #Pagebluk


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